Select “Leave a copy of my messages on the server” in order to read your messages on Outlook or other mailboxes.Verify that the box “This server requires a secured connexion (SSL)” is not ticked and the port should be 110.Click on “Advanced options” then complete the required information (address, username, Hotmail password, etc.).Click on “You can receive mails from these accounts” then on “add another email address”.Open “Account management” then click on “Receive and send messages from other mailboxes”.Once your Hotmail account is created, you need to set it up in order to receive emails: To Read: If you have other issues with Hotmail feel free to consult our Hotmail’s Beginner’s Guide How do I set up my Hotmail account after creating it? Verification will be sent to you through text or email which will ensure that your Hotmail account is created and is in safe hands. After you have entered the details you will be required to click and confirm your application which will be the last step to get the Hotmail account.You just need username and password, and you can access to Microsoft products: Hotmail, Skype, OneDrive, Xbox Live or Outlook.Com and much more… In addition, The Hotmail inbox allows you to connect from any Windows Live ID Website. Furthermore, your emails security is guaranteed by Microsoft thanks to anti-viruses, anti-spams and anti-phishing tools. You then have the possibility to access it from France and abroad. Hotmail gives you access to a free email address. It is important to note that other than messaging MSN also allows you to access the daily important news. However, the given name doesn’t matter much. It was originally named Hotmail, it then became Windows Live Mail before finally transforming into Outlook. Indeed, MSN changed name multiples times. Even after evolving over the years, Microsoft always kept their trademark: Messenger. First, let us learn a little bit about Hotmail’s history. Please find the required steps and the advantages provided by this mailbox in the following article.